Inner Reflections: Self-Portraiture for Self-Discovery

Photographic Workshop - Berkshires - September 27th-29th

with Nicole Cudzilo and Diane Wilde

Step into the forested canopy of the Berkshire Mountains for a weekend of artistic self expression, movement and discovery. Picture soft sunlight filtering through the dense canopy of leaves just starting to morph into jeweled shades of gold, crimson and orange. A light fog curls gentle tendrils around your body, enveloping your senses and holding you safely in its cool embrace. It’s in this environment of ancient maples, pines, and moss that we will explore our own inner workings and internal landscapes, creating beauty and celebrating our souls.

Welcome to "Inner Reflections," a transformative self-portrait photography workshop designed for those seeking to explore their inner selves through intentional image making. This retreat goes beyond the traditional photography workshop, incorporating wellness and spiritual practices for a holistic approach to self-exploration.

Self-portraiture serves as a mirror that reflects not only your physical appearance but also your inner world. The process of turning the camera inward allows you to safely confront and examine any internalized beliefs, self-judgments and narratives that may have shaped your self-perception over time. Through guided introspection, we can examine our own ideas around self-compassion, worthiness and a type of beauty that is unconfined to societal standards or external validation.

Beauty is a dynamic, living energy that reflects your inner state of being. When you feel beautiful, you are in harmony with your true self, and existing within this harmony leads to a more authentic and empowered life.

Through the medium of self-portraiture, this workshop aims to help you discover and harness that energy, fostering a deeper understanding & acceptance of yourself while helping you create art that is deeply personal and transformative.

join us if you are –

  • Seeking a creative outlet and a powerful way to express your authentic self

  • Interested in combining art and photography with wellness and spiritual practices

  • Looking for a supportive community of like-minded individuals on similar journeys of self-exploration

you can expect –

Reflective journaling and guided meditations to center yourself and set intentions for your creative work

Optional elemental yoga flow in the mornings and evenings to reconnect, unwind and support being fully present

Photographic exercises designed to help you find your visual voice and connect deeply with your body and soul

Grounding practices that will enhance your connection to the earth and your surroundings

Group discussions to gain insights, reflect and support each other in your creative and personal journeys

Optional 1:1 Thai Massage sessions that combine acupressure, Ayurvedic principles, and assisted yoga postures to balance and promote relaxation and flexibility

Meet Your Guides

Nicole Cudzilo is an artist and educator based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She is often inspired by imagery from the past and seeks to create work that has its own timeless quality. Primarily a self portrait photographer, Nicole uses digital and film processes for her work, often utilizing medium format, instant film or 35mm when underwater. She has exhibited internationally winning numerous awards with private collectors across the globe. She studied photography under the guidance of professional photographer Laurie Klein who was a student of Ansel Adams.

With a passion for education, Nicole teaches workshops throughout the country for adults, children, professional and amateur photographers. She mentors high-school students and participates in visiting artist and lecture programs in various public and private schools and has been an advisor and contributor in numerous photography publications.

See more of Nicole’s work.

Diane, as a practitioner with over two decades of practice in yoga, brings experience and passion to her teaching. Trained in Kripalu yoga with a focus on breath, movement, and meditation, she adeptly guides her students through transformative practices that foster holistic well-being. She offers elemental Thai Massage, using this ancient form of therapy and offering clients a unique blend of relaxation and rejuvenation. With a nurturing approach, individuals can unwind and restore balance to body and mind. She works one on one and in groups.

See more of Diane’s work.

Experience a sensual and spiritual connection to nature,

using your body as a brush stroke within the canvas of the landscape

to reveal your inner self in an artistic and intuitive way.

you will –

  • Deepen Self-Connection and Authenticity:
    • Self-portraiture is an artistic way to deepen your connection to your body and soul. Tap into your desires & dreams, and personify various aspects of who you are and who you wish to be through experiential imagery.

  • Celebrate Yourself:
    • Whether you come to celebrate yourself at this exact moment in time or to uncover parts of yourself that have remained buried within, this retreat is a celebration of your unique journey.

  • Release and Heal:
    • The body stores so much emotion and memory. By exploring your own internal landscapes through photography, movement and writing you can release buried shame, resentment, insecurity and other burdens, finding joy and liberation in the process. Physically heal the body through grounding yoga and 1:1 Thai Yoga Massage.

  • Grow Artistically and Personally:
    • Develop your skills as a photographer while also experiencing personal growth and self-discovery. This workshop is a unique opportunity to blend artistry with personal wellness. Develop an emotional toolkit and leave with a renewed sense of self connectedness and new ways to support self-care in your day-to-day life.


We will be staying together in an 1887 house ​remodeled in 1991, blending the old with the new in ​the heart of Southern Berkshire County. The house ​includes a spacious floor plan, bathtubs, a small ​library, garden and more. There is also a park next ​door, hiking trails, a bakery and tea store close by.

Bed choice in order of registration.

2:15 from New York City

2:30 from Boston

3:45 from Philadelphia


Healthy meals will be provided throughout your stay. Sample menu includes:

Sample Breakfast

Avocado Toast + Optional Fried Egg

Yogurt + Granola + Berries

Coconut Milk Chia Pudding

Blueberry Muffins + Pastries

Sample Lunch

Grilled Chicken Wraps

Hummus + Veggies + Pita Chips

Grilled Veggies

Fresh Fruit + Cheeses

Sample Dinner

Garlic Grilled Chicken

Watermelon Feta Salad


Blackberry Crumble

Sample Schedule


  • 4:30pm - Arrival
  • 6:00pm - Welcome Dinner
  • 7:30-10:00pm - Group Gathering


  • 6:45am - Optional Morning Yoga
  • 7:00am - Light Breakfast
  • 8:00-11:30am - Morning Session
  • 12:00pm - Lunch
  • 1:00-4:00pm - Afternoon Gathering
  • Optional Thai Massages 1:1 (book prior to arrival)
  • 4:30-7:30pm - Evening Session
  • 8:00pm - Dinner in Town


  • 7:00am - Breakfast & Optional Yoga Practice
  • 8:00-10:30am - Morning Gathering
  • 11am - Checkout + Departure

Pricing & Registration

Total Cost: $1,395

$995 - workshop tuition

$400 - lodging + meals

Price includes 3 day, 2 night accommodations from Friday

evening - Sunday morning. Meals include 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch,

1 dinner. One group dinner in town is not included in the price.

Oval Geometric Shape

to register, send Nicole an email


*does not include any travel to/from destination